Who are the best dunkers in NBA history?

Addie Davison
3 min readSep 9, 2020


When you’re growing up and shooting hoops on the streets there is only one thing you long to do. It’s all about nailing that dunk.

As you grow older, people generally stop playing but the thrill of a dunk never leaves. It’s the greatest thing to see. Here we look at the best dunkers in NBA history.

Number 5. Kobe Bryant

The late great Kobe Bryant will be remembered in basketball circles for his all round play and, in particular, his shooting skills. Cast your mind back to his early days though and you’ll likely recall a young man who was all about the dunk with his wide ranging skills set allowing him to dunk in pretty much any style required be it a straight up one foot dunk or a 360.

If you want evidence that is more tangible then perhaps the fact he became the youngest ever winner of the dunk contest at the age of 18 years and 169 days back in 1997 is enough to get you on board.

Number 4. Dominique Wilkins

The Atlanta Hawks was a fitting franchise to draft Wilkins because, like the bird, he could fly alright. Wilkins, who is the Hawks’ all-time leading points scorer, won two dunk contests during his career with triumphs in 1985 and 1990 but he was also a colossus in the competitive games too with nine all-star appearances backing that up.

He represented a few teams during his career but the Hawks’ statue that shows him mid-windmill is perhaps the most fitting tribute there is of a man loved for his dunk.

Number 3. Julius Erving

Erving is the furthest we travel back in this list. The reason? Dr J, as he was affectionately known, is partly responsible for bringing the dunk into the mainstream of the sport.

He’d been bossing things in the ABA with three MVP wins in five years and his talent continued on its upward trajectory on joining the NBA in 1972. Initially, he had to leave his dunks behind as they were banned from the NBA but that rule changed in 76 after years of fan pressure. Erving was the main man to benefit and brought his slam dunks powering back to the delight of fans everywhere.

Number 2. Vince Carter

Some people might have Carter at number one on this list. I’m not having that but the eight time all-star couldn’t half wow a crowd. For starters, the guy basically resuscitated a dying dunk contest with his sensational showing in 2000 but it’s something else that happened that year that sees Carter put up on a dunking pedestal. It was the Sydney Olympics. The US were up against France with the prize on offer a gold medal.

Carter squared up France’s number 15, center Frederic Weis, before jumping clean over his 7'2 frame and slamming home. The feat was so impressive that Carter’s own teammates were left in awe. The US went on to scoop the ultimate prize. Weis, meanwhile, had to settle for silver and, probably, a few nightmares of Carter.

Number 1. Michael Jordan

Who else? The guy practically picks himself and if there was a list in the betting 365 app to gamble on the best dunker, he would be top of the list.

Not only is Jordan the greatest player of all time but he’s without question well deserving of top spot in our list of the best dunkers in NBA history. The Bulls legend became so renowned for his hang time that Nike developed the Air Jordan sneaker with him.

The logo? ‘Jumpman’ himself, which just so happens to be based on the dunk that won Jordan the 1988 dunk contest. He tore down the length of the court before literally taking off from the free throw line to sink the most iconic dunk in the history of sport.

There you have it, the five best dunkers in NBA history.

